Thursday, June 16, 2016

FPS Monaco: Main Event Day 3 coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

There were 1,261 to begin. Then 339, then 60. Now, just six players are still with an opportunity on the France Poker Series Monaco Main Event title and the €218,000 prize that goes with it. A type of six can have an edge to start out play tomorrow, France's own Stephane Dossetto who took the lead through the early evening, lost it to the UK's Niall Farrell briefly, then secured the night's final knockout to snatch it again and end with 9,525,000 -- just sooner than Farrell's 9,165,000.

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Stephane Dossetto

The pace was rapid to start out today, with greater than a 3rd of the sphere gone within two hours of play. Early knockouts this afternoon included start-of-Day-1 leader Andrey Andreev (57th), Thierry Morel (55th), Yannick Dupont (51st), and Romans Voitovs (44th), Oleksandr Vorobii (35th), and the last woman to be eliminated, Jessica Drissi (31st).

That whittling away continued steadily thereafter, through which time the Romanian Tudor Purice -- known by many as "a.S.e high" on PokerStars -- had moved up into the chip lead, a place he maintained as others like Julien Brecard (25th), Keith Johnson (22nd), and start-of-day-2 leader Philipp Wenzelburger (21st) hit the rail.

By time for dinner they were all the way down to two tables, and it was in advance of that break Dossetto moved prior to Purice. Meanwhile Alexandre Sette (16th), Mauro Tarantini (15th), Laurent Badin (14th), Olivier Armougon (13th), and Benoit Veres (12th) were successively felted, all Frenchmen like Dossetto except for the Italian Tarantini.

Next it was Arman Nugmanov of Kazakhstan going out in 11th. A former professional footballer, Nugmanov won the primary of the Hexathlon challenges here on the EPT Grand Final, picking up a child PokerStars Spade for doing so. At the very next hand Kidhir Megrous of France was knocked out in 10th by Niall Farrell, and after a lengthy final table bubble Gaetano Preite of Italy ran pocket kings into Farrell's aces to head out in ninth.

During that bubble Dossetto thrived, giving him a healthy lead for the day's final stage, at one point sitting with twice the stack of nearest challenger Farrell. Stefano Terziani then felted a short-stacked Purice in eighth, before Dossetto took out the Frenchman Romain Matteoli in seventh to finish Day 3. Click here for a glance in any respect of the payouts to this point within the event, from 7th all the way down to 183rd.

Here's how the counts will look to start out play on Sunday:

Seat Name Country Status Chips
1 Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 7,565,000
2 Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 9,525,000
3 Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 9,165,000
4 Julian Fernandez France   3,200,000
5 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1,105,000
6 Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 1,260,000

Play will resume tomorrow with just over a half-hour left in Level 30, where the blinds are 60,000/120,000 with a 20,000 ante.

The schedule requires Sunday's final table to begin at 1pm local time, and EPT Live could be to be had for cards-up coverage. That suggests like them we'll even be here on a one-hour delay presenting the entire action as we discover out together who among these eight would be the next FPS Main Event champion.

Until tomorrow, Bon soir! --MH


12:31am: Romain Matteoli eliminated in 7th place (€ 29,350)Level 30 - Blinds 60,000/130,000 (ante 10,000)

We're all the way down to six and it's Romain Matteoli who's gone in seventh place.

In his exit hand Stephane Dossetto opened from early position, Matteoli shoved for 1,700,000 from the small blind and Dossetto instantly called.

Matteoli: 2♥2♣Dossetto: T♥T♠

The A♦7♥Q♠3♥A♠ run out meant the chip leader got richer and Mattel's run led to sixth place.

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Romain Matteoli - 7th place

That's the top of the action for today. The general table begins at 1pm CEST tomorrow, but our coverage won't begin until 2pm as a result of coverage being cards-up on EPT Live. --NW

12:15am: Fernandez gets short then doublesLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 20,000)

A tale of 2 hands, both involving Julian Fernandez. Within the first Stefano Terziani opened to 250,000 from under-the-gun and collected calls from Fernandez (cutoff) and Romain Matteoli (big blind).

The flop fell K♥7♥3♣ and when it was checked to Fernandez he bet 270,000. Terziani was the one caller. The turn card was the J♥, again Terziani checked, and another time Fernandez bet. The Frenchman fired out 450,000, but Terziani was not calling this time, instead he check-raised all-in. Fernandez only had about 800,000 back but he found a fold.

Fernandez got one shove through uncontested (he showed ace-king) however the second time he shoved he got called. It was Jean-Baptiste Bertrand who put him at risk, calling with J♦J♥. It was a race as yet again Fernandez had A♥K♠.

The K♥3♣2♣8♥6♠ board connected with Fernandez's hand and he survived. He was all-in for 1,280,000 and so he doubled to around 2,880,000 whilst Bertrand drops to 1,400,000. --NW

12:01am: Last level of the night beginsLevel 30 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 20,000)

Whatever happens, this may occasionally definitely be the last level of the night as they'll either play out the hour or stop at six players. --MH

30 60,000 120,000 20,000

11:59pm: A Silva doubleLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Miguel Silva opened for his entire stack of 890,000 from the button, and after a brief period of reflection Stefano Terziani decided to name the frenzy from the massive blind.

Silva had A♣3♥ and the preflop edge over Terziani's Q♠T♣, however the A♦6♦J♥ flop and Q♣ turn didn't necessarily make Silva feel to any extent further comfortable. The 5♠ river was a secure card for him, however, and he exhaled with relief while doubling to about 1.9 million. Terziani, meanwhile, still has about 6.2 million. --MH

Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

11:57pm: Tudor Purice eliminated in 8th place (€20,900)Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

It didn't take long for the primary elimination of the overall table and it's Tudor Purice who's gone in eighth place.

He was one in every of three players who saw a [T][6][5] flop, Niall Farrell bet, Purice check-raised all-in with [8][7], Stefano Terziani called with ace-ten and Farrell folded the similar hand.

Purice didn't connect to the turn or river and he's out in eighth. --NW

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Tudor Purice - 8th place

11:55pm: Final table beginsLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

After a brief pause for the official final table photos the action has begun again. --NW

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The official final table

11:50pm: Gaetano Preite eliminated in 9th place (€16,160)Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

It looked like it was going to take an unavoidable cooler to set the general table and that's the reason exactly what happened.

Gaetano Preite opened to 250,000 from the hijack, Niall Farrell three-bet to 620,000 from the cutoff, Preite raised to 1,300,000, Farrell shoved all-in and Preite called all-in for around 3,200,000.

Farrell: A♥A♦Preite: K♥K♠

Ouch! What a cooler. The 6♥2♦J♠T♠9♣ board kept the aces in front and Preite was eliminated. Farrell is as much as around 8,000,000 and challenging Stephane Dossetto for the chip lead. --NW

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Gaetano Preite - 9th place

11:45pm: Updated chip counts (nine remain)Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Seat Name Country Status Chips
1 Romain Matteoli France   1,850,000
2 Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 5,100,000
3 Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 8,900,000
4 Gaetano Preite Italy   3,220,000
5 Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 4,350,000
6 Julian Fernandez France   2,350,000
7 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   2,895,000
8 Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 1,100,000
9 Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 1,475,000

11:42pm: Big boost for BertrandLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

The hand started slowly, was slow within the middle, then ended swiftly and dramatically. Allow us to explain.

It folded initially to Gaetano Preite within the cutoff who took a half-minute before letting his hand go. Then Niall Farrell promptly opened for 215,000 from the button, and after a bit thought Julian Fernandez reraised to 580,000 from the small blind. Jean-Baptiste Bertrand then didn't take that long before announcing he was all-in for 1.405 million.

Farrell tossed his hand right away, but Fernandez took greater than three minutes before finally spinning a chip forward to signal a call.

Bertrand tabled A♠J♠ and Fernandez K♥J♥, and the dealer efficiently dealt out the 9♥2♥J♦ flop (giving both jacks and Fernandez a flush draw), the T♣ turn (providing a gutshot, too, for Fernandez), and 4♣ river (a secure finish for Bertrand).

Bertrand is up with regards to 3 million now, while Fernandez sinks to 2.35 million. --MH

11:30pm: Still at the final table bubbleLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

A reminder that we're one elimination clear of the official final table on this event. However play will continue until six players remain or we reach the top of level 30, whichever comes first. --NW

11:20pm: Preite moving on upLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Gaetano Preite started level 29 because the shortest stack but he's now as much as fifth in chips after winning a large pot.

It was Tudor Purice who started the action, raising it as much as 225,000 from early position. He got calls from Stephane Dossetto (button), Preite (small blind) and Niall Farrell (big blind).

On the 4♣9♣4♦ flop Purice continued for 340,000 and Dossetto flat called. Preite then reached for chips and check-raised to 700,000 total. That equated to about half his stack and it got the job done as everyone folded. He's as much as 3,000,000 now, whilst Purice is into the risk zone as he's right down to 1,500,000. --NW

11:10pm: Battle of the blinds wounds MatteoliLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Action folded to Romain Matteoli within the small blind, he raised to 275,000 and Stefano Terziani called from the large blind. At the 3♠K♣Q♦ flop Mattel continued for 325,000 and Terziani smooth called. The 4♣ fell at the turn and Matteoli fired again, his bet was 575,000 this over and over Terziani stuck around.

The 5♠ rounded off proceedings and Matteoli check-folded to of venture of 815,000. He's right down to 1,600,000 whilst Terziani climbs to 5,500,000. --NW

10:55pm: The fast stacks aren't waiting aroundLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

If you followed our coverage of the super high roller yesterday you'll know that at the stone bubble the fast stacks got very short indeed - sub five blinds we're talking - well the fast stacks on this tournament aren't as patient.

Since the break Jean-Baptiste Bertrand has shoved twice - once over a Niall Farrell raise - and Gaetano Preite has min-raised and won a pot uncontested. --NW

10:45pm: Chip countsLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Here are the counts of the rest players as level 29 gets underway. Stephane Dossetto has a big chip lead with Niall Farrell his nearest challenger.

Seat Name Country Status Chips
1 Romain Matteoli France   3,345,000
2 Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 3,690,000
3 Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 9,460,000
4 Gaetano Preite Italy   920,000
5 Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 5,200,000
6 Julian Fernandez France   4,270,000
7 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1,090,000
8 Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 1,320,000
9 Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 2,040,000

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Dossetto has a big lead

29 50,000 100,000 10,000

10:30pm: End of the levelLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Level 28 has just ended and the players are actually on a 15-minute break. --NW

10:20pm: No major action yetLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

There haven't been some other major hands to talk of. Nowadays the 2 players who're most in peril of bubbling this final table are Gaetano Preite (915,000) and Jean-Baptiste Bertrand (1,180,000). --NW

10:10pm: Dossetto dents Purice to increase his chip leadLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Stephane Dossetto is as much as 9,300,000 after winning a large pot against Tudor Purice. The Frenchman opened to 225,000 from under-the-gun and Purice smooth called at the button. The Q♦A♦5♥ flop was checked through and the 7♥ fell at the turn. Dossetto checked, Purice bet 375,000, Dossetto check-raised to 850,000 total and Purice smooth called.

The J♠ completed the board, Dossetto led out for 1,300,000 and Purice snap called. Dossetto slammed 7♣7♦ at the felt and Purice mucked. "Nice turn," he offered as Dossetto took the pot. Purice drops to 2,375,000 after that loss. --NW

9:51pm: Seat draw for nine-handed tableLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

They are all the way down to the not-quite-official final table. Here is a take a look at where the overall nine are seated. --MH

Seat Name
1 Romain Matteoli
2 Stefano Terziani
3 Stephane Dossetto
4 Gaetano Preite
5 Niall Farrell
6 Julian Fernandez
7 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand
8 Miguel Silva
9 Tudor Purice

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9:37pm: Kidhir Megrous eliminated in 10th place (€13,450)Level 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

On the hand after Arman Nugmanov was eliminated we lost another player and at the moment are right down to the unofficial final table of nine.

Stephane Dossetto opened to 200,000 from under-the-gun and collected calls from Niall Farrell and Kidhir Megrous. The flop fell Q♥6♥9♣, Dossetto checked, Farrell bet 315,000 and Megrous leaned forward, counted his chips after which moved all-in for 750,000 total.

Dossetto folded and action was on Farrell. "I'm getting 3.5:1," he said. "If you have got a nine I'm purported to call." And make contact with he did.

Farrell: A♥J♦Megrous: 9♦7♦

The 6♦ turn changed nothing however the A♠ river did. Megrous let loose some choice words in French after he saw the river card. Farrell is now as much as around 5,000,000. They'll be a brief break whilst there is a complete re-draw of the overall nine players. --NW

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Kidhir Megrous - 10th place

9:30pm: Arman Nugmanov eliminated in 11th place (€13,450)Level 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

From the cutoff Niall Farrell opened to 165,000 and action passed to Kidhir Megrous within the small blind. He got some calling chips out of his stack of around 1,050,000 and held them in his give up the road. He seemed unsure what to do leaving his had hovering for roughly 20 seconds before calling. But he hadn't put enough chips in and needed to installed another 50K to make up the shortfall.

Perhaps this influenced Arman Nugmanov's decision (but we'll never know), he moved all-in for 930,000 total, Farrell re-raised all-in and Megrous tanked before folding.

Farrell: Q♠Q♥Nugmanov: A♣7♣

The board ran K♠3♠3♣9♣J♠ and Farrell's handheld to spice up him to 3,800,000. We're now at the unofficial final table bubble. --NW

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Arman Nugmanov

28 40,000 80,000 10,000

9:29pm: Preite doubles through PuriceLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Gaetano Preite open-raised all-in for 630,000 from middle position, then Tudor Purice reraise-shoved from the small ignorant of isolate.

Purice had 8♠8♦ while Preite showed A♦K♦. The 2♦J♦6♠ flop kept Preite in front, however the 7♦ gave Preite a flush and made the river regardless of. Preite is as much as 1.37 million now, while Purice still has a large stack of 4.55 million --MH

9:19pm: Benoit Veres eliminated in 12th place (€12,050)Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Benoit Veres had battled with a brief stack for several hours before finally getting his last 670,000 chips within the middle with K♣T♦ and facing one caller in Niall Farrell who held A♠J♣.

The board ran out nine-high -- 9♦6♣6♠8♥9♣ -- and Veres was knocked out in 12th. Farrell meanwhile bounced back to 3.12 million with that pot. --MH

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Benoit Veres - 12th place

9:15pm: Nice call!Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Niall Farrell's slide down the chip charts continues as Stefano Terziani just made a pleasing river call against him to win a tight sized pot. Farrell opened to 125,000 from the cutoff and Terziani called from the button.

On the 8♥7♠6♥ flop Farrell fired out a 185,000 c-bet and Terziani stuck across the. J♦ turn got checked through and the 7♣ fell on fifth street. Farrell reached for chips and pushed out a raffle of 250,000. His Italian opponent dwelled for a minute or so after which called. Farrell turned over K♣T♠ for king high and Terziani opened A♠Q♥ for an ace high hero call.

After that hand Farrell is right down to around 2,500,000 whilst Terziani climbs to 3,700,000. --NW

9:05pm: The "shove on Farrell" orbitLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Whilst the massive Purice vs Fernandez pot was happening (see below) the opposite table played a whole orbit. During that orbit Niall Farrell raised four pots in a row (certainly one of them was a three-bet). He got shoved on three out of the four occasions and folded each time with the minimum of fuss. --NW

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Patience... patience...

8:55pm: Purice and Fernandez play a large potLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Tudor Purice and Julian Fernandez, who're two of the highest five stacks within the tournament just clashed in a large pot. It was actually Miguel Silva who got the action started, he opened to 125,000 from under-the-gun, Purice flat called and Fernandez then raised it as much as 325,000 from the button. Purice was the one caller.

The flop fell 8♠T♣4♣, Purice checked, Fernandez bet 530,000, Purice check-raised to 1,275,000 and Fernandez went into the tank. Purice had about 2,075,000 back and Fernandez, who had about 3,600,000 behind puffed out his cheeks a couple of times as he considered what to do. He tanked for over five minutes before folding the J♦ face-up.

Purice is as much as 4,600,000, whilst Fernandez is right down to 3,600,000. --NW

8:46: Olivier Armougon eliminated in 13th place (€12,050)Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Olivier Armougon open-raised for his last 240,000 and got one caller in Gaetano Preite. Armougon tabled K♠8♦ while Preite had A♣9♦, and after the J♦J♥3♥3♣2♣ runout, Armougon bid the table goodbye. --MH

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Olivier Armougon - 13th place

8:38pm: Better kicker for TerzianiLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Kidhir Megrous raised to 150,000 from under the gun and it folded around to Stefano Terziani who called from the large blind. The flop came 5♦2♠A♥, Terziani checked, Megrous bet 225,000, and Terziani called. The turn was the A♠, bringing another check-call from Terziani, this time for 275,000.

The 8♠ river completed the board. Terziani checked again, and after hesitating a few beats Megrous checked behind.

Terziani showed A♣Q♦ for trip aces, and Megrous showed his hand briefly -- ace-jack, also for trips but with a worse kicker -- before mucking.

Terziani is as much as 2.4 million now, while Megrous slips to 680,000. --MH

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Terziani takes a few

8:35pm: Romain Matteoli doubles through Tudor PuriceLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Action folded to Romain Matteoli within the small blind and he raised it as much as 160,000 total. Tudor Purice thought for somewhat and shoved all-in. He was the covering stack and Matteoli, who had 1,560,000 total, thought for roughly 30 seconds after which called.

Matteoli: K♥Q♥Purice: 3♥3♣

Matteoli had to win a flip to stick alive and he did just that because the board ran 2♣T♠Q♣K♣9♥. He's as much as 3,180,000 whilst Purice drops to 3,000,000. --NW

8:25pm: Laurent Badin eliminated in 14th place (€10,810)Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

On the primary hand after the dinner break Laurent Badin was eliminated when his ace-jack did not spike against the pocket queens of Julian Fernandez. Badin's all-in was for 570,000. --NW

8:23pm: Play resumesLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 10,000)

Players are back. These final 14 can be playing right down to eight tonight. --MH

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Laurent Badin - 14th place

27 30,000 60,000 10,000

7:06pm: Dinner breakLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

The 14 remaining players are actually on a 75-minute dinner break. Check out their updated counts below. --NW

Name Country Status Chips
Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 5175000
Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 4300000
Julian Fernandez France   4150000
Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 4070000
Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 2360000
Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 2275000
Kidhir Megrous France   1655000
Romain Matteoli France   1600000
Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1535000
Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan   1365000
Gaetano Preite Italy   1240000
Benoit Veres France   680000
Laurent Badin France   580000
Olivier Armougon France   430000

7:05pm: Mauro Tarantini eliminated in 15th place (€ 10,810)Level 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Stephane Dossetto opened to 150,000 from early position, Niall Farrell flat called and Mauro Tarantini then moved all-in for 845,000 from the massive blind. Dossetto tanked after which folded, Farrell also tanked but he called!

Tarantini: 7♦7♣Farrell: A♠Q♥

The board ran 3♠K♠A♦3♣9♦ and Tarantini was eliminated, whilst Farrell finally won a large all-in. His first of the day. Dossetto told Farrell that he'd folded the similar hand. "I BELIEVED while you tanked for that long you may have the similar hand, that's why I BELIEVED for thus long," said Farrell.

He's as much as around 4,050,000 after that hand. --NW

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Mauro Tarantini - 15th place

7pm: Fernandez takes a large pot from PreiteLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Julian Fernandez opened to 135,000 in early position and called after Gaetano Preite min-raised to 220,000 total. At the 3♠6♥Q♥ flop Preite bet 300,000 and Fernandez, using a high chip toss, called immediately.

The Q♣ turn checked through and the 5♦ completed the board. Fernandez led for 200,000, Preite raised it as much as 600,000 and Fernandez grimaced before calling. Preite rolled over A♥J♠ but Fernandez had him beat with pocket tens. He's as much as 4,100,000 whilst Preite is right down to 1,250,000. --NW

6:50pm: Battlin' BadinLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

With 15 left Laurent Badin has become the fast stack, and while he's tried to enhance his status of late with a few preflop all-ins, nobody is taking him up at the offer.

Less than 10 minutes remain until the top of the level, at which period they'll be taking a 75-minute dinner break. --MH

6:41pm: Alexandre Sette eliminated in 16th place (€9,580)Level 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

After shoving all-in for his last 500,000 or so from middle position, Alexandre Sette watched Stephane Dossetto call from the following seat over and the remainder of the table step aside.

Sette had A♥9♦ but needed help against Dossetto's A♦J♥. The board came J♦A♠6♦7♥8♥, which meant Sette was drawing dead by the turn to head out in 16th place.

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Alexandre Sette - 16th place

Dossetto is far as much as 5.15 million now. --MH

6:33pm: Two flush draws are better than oneLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

An absolute sicker for Stefano Terziani who just doubled up Kidder Megrous even supposing they both had the similar hand.

Terziani raise-called with A♠K♠ and a chop looked liked likely as Megrous had A♥K♦. Before any community cards were dealt Megrous, who was all-in for 875,000, pointed on the king as though to mention: "I'll make a flush with that one," and he did.

The 9♦A♦T♣5♦4♦ making him a diamond flush at the river and wounding Terziani within the process. He's as much as 1,800,000 whilst Terziani is all the way down to 2,200,000. --NW

6:30pm: Final two tablesLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Below is how the overall two tables shape up:

Table Seat Name Country Status Chips
1 1 Alexandre Sette France PokerStars Qualifier 405,000
1 2 Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 4,300,000
1 3 Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 2,300,000
1 4 Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 2,800,000
1 5 Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 3,300,000
1 6 Kidhir Megrous France   890,000
1 7 Benoit Veres France   875,000
1 8 Mauro Tarantini Italy   625,000
2 1 Romain Matteoli France   1,205,000
2 2 Laurent Badin France   575,000
2 3 Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 4,200,000
2 4 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1,375,000
2 5 Olivier Armougon France   1,175,000
2 6 Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan   1,550,000
2 7 Julian Fernandez France   3,300,000
2 8 Gaetano Preite Italy   1,900,000

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Dossetto setting the pace with two tables left

6:20pm: Gleb Tremzin eliminated in 17th placeLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

We're right down to the general two tables within the FPS Main Event and it's EPT12 Prague runner-up Gleb Tremzin who's fallen in 17th.

He shoved for 615,000 with A♦J♠ and Arman Nugmanov looked him up from the large blind with 7♠7♥. The 8♦2♠K♦9♣7♣ board meant Nugmanov's hand-held up. He's as much as 1,700,000 and there is now a brief break for a re-draw of the overall two tables. --NW

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Goodbye, Gleb

6:10pm: Silva doubles upLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Gaetano Preite and Miguel Silva had reached the river of a 7♥T♦J♠7♦J♥ board and there has been about 800,000 within the pot. It was a blind on blind battle and Preite checked to Silva and he moved all-in for 740,000.

Preite tanked after which called it off, Silva showed J♣6♦ for trips and Preite tapped the table before showing A♥T♥. He's right down to 1,525,000 whilst Silva is as much as 2,300,000. --NW

6:06pm: Hopkins reduce in 18thLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

After Gaetano Preite opened for 125,000 from middle position, it folded around to Mathew Hopkins within the small blind who reraised all-in for 340,000, and Preite called.

Hopkins had K♦J♠ and the brink over Preite's 8♣6♣. However the flop came 3♥8♠6♠ to provide Preite two pair, and by the Q♣ turn Hopkins was already drawing dead to complete in 18th place.

Preite has 2.85 million now. --MH

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Hopkins eliminated

26 25,000 50,000 5,000

5:51pm: Oliveira eliminated in 19thLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Right after Florian Pral's bust, Pedro Oliveira watched Stephane Dossetto raise from under the gun and the table fold back to him within the big blind. Oliveira then reraise-pushed all-in for approximately 900,000, and Dossetto called in a snap.

Oliveira: T♦T♠Dossetto: A♥A♠

Bad timing for Oliveira, and five cards later -- 9♣7♦7♠Q♣9♠ -- he was out in 19th place. Dossetto is now stacking up about 3.925 million and is challenging Tudor Purice for the chip lead. --MH

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Oliveira out

5:45pm: Pral punches out in 20thLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Florian Pral pushed all-in together with his short stack from middle position with A♣6♦ and was looked up by Miguel Silva who reraise-isolated from the button with A♥9♦. The board ran 3♣Q♣J♦7♣Q♦, and Pral's run was stopped in 20th place.

"Nice hand," said the short-stacked Mathew Hopkins from around the table to Silva. "And thank you!"

With 19 left now, Silva sits with 1.475 million. --MH

5:39pm: Wenzelburger falls in 21stLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Philipp Wenzelburger started the day because the chip leader with 60 players left, though in the course of the afternoon gradually slid back to the pack as others challenged for the highest spot.

At last Wenzelburger got the last of his chips within the middle with T♠T♦ but unfortunately for him had run into the Q♦Q♣ of Tudor Purice.

The board ran out A♦6♥9♣6♣7♣, leaving Wenzelburger unimproved and sending him railward in 21st place. Meanwhile Purice is now way as much as 4.55 million --MH

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Wenzelburger out

5:35pm: Johnson loses flip to bust in 22ndLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

The previous hand Keith Johnson had three-bet all-in excessive of a Jean-Baptiste Bertrand open and Julian Fernandez seemed like he really desired to call. The Frenchman folded on that occasion but at the next hand they got it on.

Johnson opened to 100,000 from late position, Fernandez three-bet to 350,000 from the small blind, Johnson shoved for what gave the look of 870,000 and Fernandez flicked in a chip to indicate a decision.

Johnson: T♥T♣Fernandez: A♠K♦

The 9♦9♠3♣ flop was safe for Johnson, the K♥ turn gave Fernandez the lead and the A♣ river only improved his hand. He climbs to 3,975,000 whilst Johnson picks up € 7,160 for his 22nd place finish. --NW

5:40pm: Benoit Veres doubles through Gaetano PreiteLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

From under-the-gun Benoit Veres moved all-in for 590,000 and he got a call from Gaetano Preite. First to turn was Veres, he had A♥K♥ and was dominating the A♦J♦ of Preite.

The board ran 5♣9♦6♣2♠6♠ and Veres shouted: "Allez, allez, good morning," as he won the pot. He's as much as 1,300,000 whilst Priete is all the way down to 2,300,000. --NW

5:30pm: Big double for TarantiniLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Romain Matteoli opened to 90,000 from middle position and Mauro Tarantini called from the large blind. The flop fell 5♥7♥4♦, Matteoli c-bet 105,000 just for Tarantini to check-raise all-in for 605,000 total. Matteoli tanked for a couple of minutes before calling.

Tarantini: 7♣7♠Matteoli: 3♥3♣

The 4♠ turn made Tarantini a full-house and the meaningless A♣ completed the board. He's as much as 1,500,000 whilst Matteoli is all the way down to 460,000. --NW

5:16pm: Olivier Decamps eliminated in 23rdLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

They are all the way down to 22 now as Olivier Decamps was knocked out.

Decamps put his last 520,000 within the middle with T♣T♥ but unfortunately for him bumped into Kidhir Megrous' A♥A♦.

The community cards came 7♣K♥7♠4♣9♣, and Decamps hit the rail. Megrous has 1.65 million at the present time. --MH

5:11pm: Puche put out in 24thLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Shortly after play resumed, Olivier Puche put his short stack all-in with ace-jack versus the pocket nines of Tudor Purice, and when the board ran out eight-high Puche was done in 24th place.

Purice is now as much as 3.3 million. --MH

5:10pm: A COUPLE OF snippetsLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Here are a couple of biographical items that will help you get to understand one of the remaining players. --NW

* Stephane Dossetto - won the FPS3 Deauville High Roller (2013)* Kidhir Megrous - $260,000 in lifetime earnings, cashed in 2011 WSOPE Main* Arman Nugmanov, played professional football for 2 years after leaving school, won the primary of the Hexathlon challenges - and was rewarded with a child PokerStars Spade. The 37-year-old have been to the Grand Final twice in addition to EPT Prague* Miguel Silva - $133K in earnings, biggest win 3rd in a €1k Hyper at EPT12 Prague* Keith Johnson - won the primary ever Eureka event (it was in Prague) high stakes online/live cash player, final table of €25K HR in Dublin* Pedro Oliviera - $154,106 in winnings. Results almost exclusively in Portugal.* Gaetano Preite: $701,273 in earnings. Deep run (48th) within the 2013 WSOP Main Event. Won the IPT High Roller in Sanremo in 2014.* Olivier Decamps - won a Winamax tour event in Paris in 2015.* Romain Matteoli: 2nd in WPT Barcelona Main Event in 2011.* Stefano Terziani: 2nd at IPT4 Campione in 2011. Cashed in PCA Main Event in 2015.

5:05pm: Updated chip counts (24 remain)Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Name Country Chips
Gaetano Preite Italy 2775000
Tudor Purice Romania 2550000
Stephane Dossetto France 2500000
Julian Fernandez France 2300000
Niall Farrell UK 2150000
Stefano Terziani Italy 1970000
Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France 1800000
Romain Matteoli France 1600000
Kidhir Megrous France 1420000
Pedro Oliveira Portugal 1300000
Philipp Wenzelburger Germany 975000
Alexandre Sette France 955000
Gleb Tremzin Russian Federation 925000
Olivier Puche France 900000
Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan 850000
Olivier Armougon France 840000
Laurent Badin France 825000
Miguel Silva Portugal 800000
Keith Johnson UK 750000
Benoit Veres France 690000
Mauro Tarantini Italy 675000
Mathew Hopkins UK 600000
Olivier Decamps France 520000
Florian Pral France 460000
25 20,000 40,000 5,000

4:42pm: Take a breakLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

When the 3 table re-draw was happening Niall Farrell told Philipp Wenzelburger that there has been a break, when in reality it was only a pause for the re-draw. When the re-draw were completed Wenzelburger still hadn't shown up. A horrified Farrell was asking around if anyone knew the way to contact him.

Fortunately Wenzelburger returned at this point and didn't miss a hand. But, the players at the moment are on a 20-minute break. --NW

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4:37pm: Matteoli doubles through TremzinLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Romain Matteoli has just doubled up through Gleb Tremzin to push his stack as much as 1.33 million.

Matteoli had 5♠5♦ versus Tremzin's A♥J♥, and happily flopped a suite to secure the double-up. Tremzin falls back to about 950,000. --MH

4:30pm: Final three tablesLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Below is the re-draw of the general three tables. There is a break in about 10 minutes time, by which we'll be getting full chip counts.

Table Seat Name Country
1 1 Philipp Wenzelburger Germany
1 2 Pedro Oliveira Portugal
1 3 Stephane Dossetto France
1 4 Tudor Purice Romania
1 5 Kidhir Megrous France
1 6 Olivier Puche France
1 7 Olivier Decamps France
1 8 Stefano Terziani Italy
2 1 Olivier Armougon France
2 2 Mathew Hopkins UK
2 3 Benoit Veres France
2 4 Florian Pral France
2 5 Niall Farrell UK
2 6 Gaetano Preite Italy
2 7 Alexandre Sette France
2 8 Miguel Silva Portugal
3 1 Mauro Tarantini Italy
3 2 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France
3 3 Keith Johnson UK
3 4 Gleb Tremzin Russian Federation
3 5 Romain Matteoli France
3 6 Julian Fernandez France
3 7 Laurent Badin France
3 8 Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan

4:18pm: Brecard falls in 25thLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Julian Brecard spent much of yesterday and the primary a part of today as a brief stack. He then managed to construct his stack up considerably in the course of the afternoon, but alas for the Frenchman his tournament has come to an in depth with a 25th-place finish.

In his last hand, Brecard committed his final chips behind Q♠7♥ and was up against Laurent Badin's A♥9♠. A runout of 8♣9♦5♦A♠K♥ added as much as two pair for Badin and no improvement in any respect for Brecard, and the latter headed over to the cashier.

That means they're all the way down to 24, and so a redraw is so as. Back in a couple of with details of where everyone gets relocated. --MH

4:11pm: Farrell push prompts Matteoli foldLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

With about 750,000 within the middle and the board showing 4♣3♠3♦K♠T♠, Niall Farrell checked, Romain Matteoli bet 295,000, then after you have a expect the bet and pausing a half-minute or so, Farrell announced he was check-raising all-in.

Matteoli tanked for a whole four minutes, in retrospect on the board, Farrell, and his stack of about 560,000 as he did. Finally he let his hand go, and now Farrell is back up around 2 million. --MH

4:05pm: Arbanatskii takes 26thLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Shortly after Leszczynski's bustout, Ivan Arbanatskii followed him to the rail in 26th, meaning yet one more elimination and they will be pausing for a redraw across the final three tables. --MH

4pm: Leszczynski knocked out in 27thLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Robert Leszczynski was just all-in for his last 300,000 with 7♥7♦ and susceptible to elimination versus Kidhir Megrous' A♠Q♥. Alas for Leszczynski, the Q♠3♠6♥2♣K♣ gave his opponent the simpler pair and ended his FPS Monaco Main Event run in 27th.

Megrous is as much as 1.47 million with that pot. --MH

4:05pm: Big stacksLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

The average stack is currently 1,167,600 but there are three players who've got over 2,000,000. Julian Fernandez has 2,550,000, Tudor Purice has 2,400,000 and Stephane Dossetto is sitting on a stack of 2,200,000. --NW

4pm: Murderers rowLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Table one is arguably the hardest within the room. More pertinently half table one is arguably the hardest within the room. Sitting in a row you have got Niall Farrell (1,200,000, EPT12 Malta champion), Tudor Purice (2,400,000, IPT7 Grand Final runner-up), Keith Johnson (1,100,000 Eureka Prague champion) and Gleb Tremzin (1,750,000, EPT12 Prague runner-up).

Tough crowd. The excellent news for them is that there is a redraw once we reach 24 players. 27 remain. --NW

3:45pm: Jacks fail TrissiLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Jessica Trissi was all-in and in danger for her last 220,000 or so with J♦J♠ and hoping to carry against Stefano Terziani's A♣T♥. However the flop came K♣A♦7♠ to pair Terziani's ace, and after the 2♦ turn and Q♦ river, Trissi -- the last woman within the event -- was knocked out in 32nd.

With 31 players left, the common stack is now over 1 million. --MH

3:41pm: Oliveira doubles through TarantiniLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Mauro Tarantini opened for 52,000, then Pablo Oliveira shoved all-in excessive for 476,000 total. It folded back to Tarantini who considered for a little while before making the call.

Tarantini had T♥T♣ while Oliveira was ahead with Q♠Q♥. The board ran out clean for Oliveira, coming 7♠6♣7♥A♦Q♥ to enhance him to a whole house, and he clapped his hands once in response.

Oliveira is back up over 1 million now, while Tarantini has about 810,000. --MH

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Mauro still has more-o with which to play

3:34pm: Maisano out in 33rd, all the way down to four tablesLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

The blinds and antes go up, and the sector size goes down. There are 32 players left now, gathered around four full eight-handed tables. --MH

24 15,000 30,000 4,000

3:33pm: Maisano out in 33rd, right down to four tablesLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

Mirco Maisano picked up a robust hand, he just bumped into a fair better one. He raised to 55,000, Miguel Silva three-bet to 125,000, Maisano shoved for just over 500,000 and Silva snap called.

Silva: A♣A♦Maisano: A♠K♥

It was bad timing for Maisano and his luck didn't improve at the 5♣Q♦6♣8♥4♥ board and he was eliminated. --NW

3:28pm: Farrell can't win an all-inLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

"I've not been good at all-ins today," rued Niall Farrell as his stack took another hit.

He'd opened to 55,000 from late position and called when Philipp Wenzelburger three-bet to 115,000 out of the massive blind. At the Q♠5♥8♠ flop Wenzelburger open shoved for his last 411,000 and Farrell went into the tank. He had about 1,500,000 back and after giving it numerous thought he called.

Farrell: 9♥9♠Wenzelburger: A♣K♦

It was a fair call from Farrell but he still had overcards to dodge. The T♦ gave Wenzelburger some gutshot outs to compliment his pair outs and he hit the A♦ river to outlive. He's as much as 1,070,000 whilst Farrell drops to 1,130,000. --NW

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Keep losing these Niall-ins

3:14pm: Fernandez forces fold, finds firstLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

With about 130,000 within the middle and the board showing 8♦4♦2♠, Julian Fernandez led with a big gamble of 87,000, then start-of-day leader Philipp Wenzelburger raised only a tiny bit over the minimum to 175,000. Fernandez considered a while, then called, then both checked the 7♥ turn.

The river brought the A♣ and another check from Fernandez, and this time Wenzelburger pushed out a smallish bet of 100,000. Fernandez then check-raised big, and Wenzelburger instantly folded.

Wenzelburger is down around 520,000 presently while Fernandez is thriving, having chipped way as much as 2.26 million and into first position currently. --MH

3pm: Guilbert doubles through Julien BrécardLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

Julien Brécard raised to 60,000 from the small blind with A♦8♥ and called when Johan Guilbert shoved from the large for 189,000 with 7♠7♦. The pair held up on a K♠9♥2♦5♠3♠ board to double up Guilbert, whilst Brécard drops to 1,950,000.

No such luck for Toni Zengovski, Alessio Sabatini, or Thomas Popov, though, as they're all out. --NW

2:47pm: Parotti out, Drissi inLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

Heading into Level 23, just two women were left within the field, and either one of them were all-in and in danger throughout the first orbit after the break.

First Daniela Parotti pushed all-in for roughly 300,000 and got called by Olivier Puche sitting one seat over. Parotti had A♣Q♣ but Puche held A♦K♥, having her hand dominated and chip stack covered.

The board ran out 5♣7♥2♦7♣K♠, and Parotti is out.

On the following table over, Jessica Drissi was all the way down to just 80,000 when she put it all-in behind J♦T♠ and was called by Olivier Armougon with A♣K♣. There the community cards came 2♥3♦2♦6♥T♥, that river ten saving Drissi for now, although she still seems to be shortest with 37 players left. --MH

2:45pm: Top 10 stacksLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

As the extent got underway the players below were in positions one through ten within the chip counts. Tudor Purice still has the lead, but Julian Fernandez isn't far behind. --NW

Name Country Status Chips
Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 2,037,000
Julian Fernandez France   2,000,000
Olivier Armougon France   1,800,000
Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1,600,000
Julien Brécard France PokerStars TV Stars 1,550,000
Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 1,240,000
Benoit Veres France   1,166,000
Mathew Hopkins UK PokerStars Qualifier 1,150,000
Mauro Tarantini Italy   1,115,000
Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan   1,100,000

2:35pm: Freitas doubles through FarrellLevel 23 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (ante 3,000)

Down to simply 133,000 Fabio Freitas moved all-in from early position with K♣J♣ and Niall Farrell looked him up with A♠8♠. The T♦Q♥A♣ flop was gin for Freitas and the board ran out 4♥J♦ to maintain the Brazilian within the lead. He's as much as around 300,000 whilst Farrell drops to 1,000,000. --NW

2:26pm: Play resumes

The 39 remaining players are back within the seats and cards are back within the air. And landing backpedal at the felt. And being checked out and bet upon.

You know, the standard. --MH

23 12,000 24,000 3,000

2:06pm: Break time

After a hectic first couple of hours that saw just over a 3rd of the Day 3 starters knocked out, people who remain are taking their first 20-minute break of the day. Meanwhile we'll be counting up stacks to present you a concept where things stand at the other side. --MH

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Time to get countin'

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2:05pm: Pral doublesLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

Florian Pral is as much as 465,000 after doubling through Niall Farrell. The Frenchman shoved for 204,000 with A♦J♣ and Farrell called with A♥Q♠.

The J♦3♥8♠7♣6♣ board saw Pral win the pot and drop Farrell to around 1,200,000. --NW

2:03pm: Individuals are ordering doublesLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

We're hearing "All-in and a choice"! constantly as Level 22 nears its conclusion. But not such a lot of instances of "Payout!" At present there have been four players all-in and in danger on four different tables, all within a couple of minutes, and all four survived.

Alessio Sabatini was all-in with a brief stack with A♣T♦ versus Laurent Badin's A♦K♣, however the board made a wheel for both to force a chop and let Sabatini keep his seat.

Erick Levy Guedj then made it through with K♥T♠ versus Pedro Oliveira's 9♣9♠ when a king came at the turn. "Yea papa!" said Guedj, although he's still very short.

Francisco Acevedo then survived with pocket eights versus ace-king, followed by Julien Brecard doubling up with Q♣Q♠ versus Thomas Popov's J♣J♦.

Brecard's double was the most important of the four, pushing him up around 1.1 million because the first break of the day nears. --MH

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All-in and a call!

2pm: Purice piles at the pressureLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

Tudor Purice is as much as around 2,000,000 after winning a large pot against Gleb Tremzin. I picked up the action at the 9♠J♥6♣ flop to look Purice (small blind) betting 115,000. Tremzin, who was in early position, called. The Q♦ turn checked through and the Q♥ completed the board.

Purice fired again, this time 325,000 and Tremzin tank-called. The Romanian rolled over A♣Q♠ and Tremzin mucked. He's right down to 800,000. --NW

1:55pm: Cooler alert!Level 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

Our way to Fabio Freitas for telling us a few big pot he played, much more so for the reason that he lost the hand in question.

He told us that he had pocket eights and Toni Zengovski pocket sixes. By the river the board was [A][5][6][6][8] and unsurprisingly the chips went in. Zengovski had about 300,000 to start out the hand and he's as much as 607,000, whilst Freitas is right down to 350,000. --NW

1:42pm: Armougon trips up HopkinsLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

"All right, I WOULD LIKE a minute."

So said Mathew Hopkins, and a handy guide a rough survey of the placement made it immediately apparent he'd made an affordable request.

The board showed 6♠Q♣A♥6♣, the cards within the middle surrounded on three sides by the 550,000 or so of chips within the middle. Hopkins' opponent, Olivier Armougon, had pushed all in from the cutoff for roughly 450,000, and Hopkins needed to think slightly futher at the button.

Finally Hopkins called, then wincingly said "Oh!" when Armougon tabled 6♦4♥ for trip sixes. Hopkins showed his second-best A♠J♦, and Armougon is now way up around 1.5 million. Hopkins meanwhile sits with about 615,000. --MH

1:40pm: Guenoun departsLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

In a blind on blind battle Gleb Tremzin and Bertrand Guenoun got the chips in with Guenoun in danger for his final 340,000. Tremzin had 8♦8♠ and was prior to Guenoun's A♥K♦.

This classic race went the best way of the pair because the board ran 5♠3♦7♣5♣2♦ and Tremzin is as much as 1,275,000. --NW

1:35pm: Badin busts YaredLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

All-in and in danger with A♣5♦, Ghassan Yared had the preflop edge against Laurent Badin's K♦T♣. However the flop came K♠2♦Q♣ to present Badin kings, and after the 7♣ turn and 8♠ river, Yared was eliminated.

With 46 players left, Badin has 425,000. --MH

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It's good for Badin

1:25pm: Steinbicker doubles, still shortLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

Thomas Steinbicker had just 57,000 left and he stuck them in with J♥6♥ and was behind against Alexandre Sette's A♠T♠. The 6♦2♥9♦9♠Q♣ board favoured Steinbicker and he's doubled to around 140,000. -- NW

1:18pm: Brecard est très bienLevel 22 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (ante 3,000)

Julien Brecard open-pushed his short stack of 212,000 from the button, and after some time saw the shove get through.

"Nice hand," said Robert Leszczynski from around the table. "Finally!"

"No... I won one before," said Brecard with a laugh, noting how in the course of the first hour-plus he did pick up a pot with tens. "Now I'VE like 260-270 thousand. Yesterday I had three big blinds at the bubble, so I'm okay."

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As long as you might have chips, all is bien

"Très bien!" clarified Leszczynski, and Brecard nodded with fun. They went directly to talk nationalities. As a Team Pro for France, Brecard literally wears his nationality on his sleeve, but Leszczynski's is less obvious -- one parent from Poland, another from Vietnam, birth in Norway, and current residence in Norway.

Right now here in Monaco, Leszczynski has about 780,000 and an above average stack. --MH

22 10,000 20,000 3,000

1:17pm: The longest tankLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

This hand took goodbye that the blinds went up, there has been a double up and an elimination at other tables whilst it took place.

Mauro Tarantini got the action started, raising to 35,000 from the hijack, Gaetano Preite then three-bet to 85,000 from the cutoff just for Pedro Oliveira to cold four-bet to 200,000 at the button.

Tarantini folded after which the tanking began. Preite had about 700,000 in total and was faced with, what was in all likelihood, an all-in or fold decision. He took his time, numerous time and not one of the players on the table called the clock. In truth they went as far to mention that they realised how important the verdict was they usually were happy for Preite to take his time.

The clock ticked onwards after which eventually he made his decision. "All-in," he said. About half a second later Oliviera said call and we had a showdown!

Oliviera: K♣K♠Preite: A♣A♦

Preite had tanked for ages with aces! Perhaps thinking that a longer tank was prone to get a decision from Oliviera. After all with the hand Oliviera had he may have instantly shoved and Oliviera would've still called!

The A♥8♠7♣4♠9♣ board further improved Preite and he doubled to 1,470,000 whilst Oliviera is all the way down to 720,000. --NW

1:05pm: Purice tank-folds, still has the leadLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Tudor Purice could've become the primary player to damage the 2,000,000 chip mark had he won the next hand.

He'd bet 129,000 at the turn of a 7♥2♣K♠Q♣ board just for Benoit Veres to transport all-in for 373,000 total. "WOULD YOU LIKE a call, would you like to gamble?" asked Purice, before he elected to fold. Veres showed 9♠9♥ as he took the pot.

"Oh my god," sighed Purice, who despite that dent still has 1,950,000. He did not have a possibility to get those chips back though as their table broke for the reason that tournament is right down to 48 players as Kamel Hamou, Bertrand Guenoun, Remi Picart and Vincent Antoine Cavailles are all out. --NW

12:54pm: A double-KO for Pedro O.Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Yannick Dupont stared down at his cards and chose to fireplace his last 109,000 forward from middle position, then Pedro Oliveira, next to act, decided to name the frenzy. It folded to Christos Stefanidis within the small blind who confirmed the quantity of the raise, then announced he was three-betting all-in.

The action got back to Oliveira who learned the reraise was for 283,000 total, and he decided to name again to establish a three-way all-in:

Dupont: 9♠8♠Oliveira: A♦Q♠Stefanidis: A♠K♠

The flop came 6♥Q♥3♠, prompting a valid equal parts surprise and enjoyment from Oliveira. The A♥ solicited further sounds of approval because the Portuguese player called for the hand to hold, and the dealer obliged with the J♥ river.

That meant two more players was sent to the rail in Dupont and Stefanidis, bringing the sector right down to just 50. Meanwhile Oliveira now has slightly over 1 million. --MH

12:52pm: It's usually you!Level 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Down to only over 200,000 Patrick Gervois shoved all-in from under-the-gun and separately the players folded until Mathew Hopkins, who was within the big blind, requested a count. He weighed up his options after which called.

Gervois: 2♠2♥Hopkins: 6♣6♦

The A♥A♠T♣ flop kept Hopkins in front as did the T♦ turn nevertheless it spread out numerous chopportunities. The 7♠ river meant both players played the board. "IT'S USUALLY you," said Hopkins with a smirk to "Shaun the dealer" who was within the box at their table. --NW

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Hopkins with a stack

12:45pm: Nervous Nugmanov gets his doubleLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Kamel Hamou raised it up from the button just for Arman Nugmanov to transport all-in for 238,000 from the massive blind. Hamou requested a count, received it after which called.

Hamou: A♥8♦Nugmanov: T♦T♥

Nugmanov stood up and started jigging back and forth with nervous energy as he awaited his fate. The 2♦K♥Q♣8♣4♦ board meant the pair held up and he doubled to 502,000 whilst Hamou is right down to 550,000. --NW

12:35pm: Freitas not kind to his guestLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

We're taught to regard our guests well but there aren't any friends on the poker table and Nicolas Guest just busted to Fabio Freitas in a battle of the premium hands.

The Frenchman had not up to ten big blinds and so they went in with Q♥Q♠. A GOOD hand, but person who was behind to the pocket kings of Freitas. The 4♠9♠6♣A♠6♥ board kept Freitas in front and sent Guest to the rail.

Vytautas Laurinaitis could also be out. --NW

12:33pm: Purice calls Morel's push, grabs leadLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Arriving at the river with a few quarter million chips within the middle and a board showing T♣6♣A♦5♠4♥, Thierry Morel made a giant all-in push for his last 420,000 or in an effort to put Tudor Purice to a difficult decision. Purice thought for some time but finally came up with a call, at which point Morel appeared able to leave without showing his hand in any respect. His cards were turned over -- A♥8♣ for a couple of aces -- and when Purice turned over A♠J♠ to turn the similar pair with a greater kicker, Morel indeed took his leave.

He's still stacking, nevertheless it appears that massive pot pushes Purice up around 1.45 million and into the plain chip lead with 54 players remaining. --MH

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Purice on top

12:31pm: Andreev outLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

End-of-Day-1A chip leader Andrey Andreev survived Day 2, albeit with a brief stack of just below 10 big blinds. He lost those chips throughout the first half-hour of play today to enroll in others at the rail.

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The endreev for Andreev

There are 55 players left. --MH

12:24pm: Guenoun hanging onLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Bertrand Guenoun looked destined to be one of the vital first knockouts of the day shortly after Florian Pral doubled through him with A♣J♣ versus 's 8♥7♥. That knocked Guenoun right down to just over 30,000 or a few big blinds.

But Guenoun managed to earn a handy guide a rough more-than-double-up just after, getting his chips in with 9♦8♠ and being up against the A♦Q♣ of Romans Voitovs. The board ran out 5♥5♦3♣J♥9♣, that river nine keeping Guenoun within the game with about 75,000. --MH

12:20pm: Early bustsLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Atanas Kavrakov, Theodore Vives, and Noris Barcimanto all began today with relatively short stacks, and all three have unfortunately lost those chips to be the primary knockouts of the day. 57 players remain. --MH

12:15pm: Fist pump for SabatiniLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Alessio Sabatini couldn't contain his glee at doubling through Stefano Terziani and did a few fist pumps because the river card hit the felt.

He'd shoved for 220,000 with K♦K♠ and Terziani understandably looked him up with A♦K♥. The 6♠5♣T♦J♥7♣ board kept the cowboys within the lead and Sabatini is as much as around 480,000 whilst Terziani drops to 820,000. --NW

12:05pm: Cards within the airLevel 21 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (ante 2,000)

Day 3 is underway! Sixty players begin the day, all with hopes of creating it to tomorrow's final. --MH

21 8,000 16,000 2,000

11:55am: The march to the general table begins

It's time for Day 3 of the FPS Monaco Main Event. If yesterday was about building a stack, today is set ensuring you continue to have one on the close of play. For those who do then you will have secured a seat the general table. A LAST table in an effort to play out with cards-up coverage on EPT Live tomorrow.

The man looking in all probability to get that far presently is Philipp Wenzelburger, who bagged up a chip leader 1,389,000 on the end of Day 2. It's fairly tight on the top though with six players over one million. A kind of is EPT12 Malta champion Niall Farrell, who'll begin the day with 1,122,000. EPT12 Prague runner-up Gleb Tremzin remains to be going strong too as he's got 865,000 to play with.

The full start of Day 3 seat draw is below. Play begins at noon.

Table Seat Name Country Status Chips
1 2 Francisco Acevedo Chile   260,000
1 3 Gaetano Preite Italy   475,000
1 4 Theodore Vives France   227,000
1 5 Gleb Tremzin Russian Federation PokerStars player 865,000
1 6 Bertrand Guenoun France Live Satellite 280,000
1 7 Oleksandr Vorobii Ukraine PokerStars player 274,000
1 8 Romain Matteoli France   761,000
2 1 Alexis Queneau France PokerStars Qualifier 524,000
2 2 Abdulatif Taslim Finland   453,000
2 3 Jean-Baptiste Bertrand France   1,171,000
2 4 Thomas Steinbicker Malta PokerStars player 117,000
2 5 Johan Guilbert France PokerStars qualifier 442,000
2 6 Mauro Tarantini Italy   957,000
2 7 Stephane Dossetto France Live Satellite 676,000
2 8 Alexandre Sette France PokerStars Qualifier 982,000
3 1 Yannick Dupont France   167,000
3 2 Vytautas Laurinaitis Lithuania PokerStars Qualifier 89,000
3 3 Pedro Oliveira Portugal   60,000
3 4 Julien Brécard France PokerStars TV Stars 289,000
3 5 Olivier Puche France   570,000
3 7 Erick Levy Guedj France   345,000
3 8 Robert Leszczynski Norway   508,000
4 1 Arman Nugmanov Kazakhstan   276,000
4 2 Makram Saber Lebanon   83,000
4 3 Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars Qualifier 1,040,000
4 4 Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 288,000
4 5 Alessio Sabatini Italy   220,000
4 6 Ghassan Yared Lebanon   206,000
4 7 Kamel Hamou France   963,000
4 8 Jessica Drissi France   349,000
5 1 Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 1,122,000
5 2 Nicolaj D Antoni Italy   509,000
5 4 Andrey Andreev Russia   155,000
5 5 Fabio Freitas Brazil PokerStars player 434,000
5 6 Nicolas Guest France   214,000
5 7 Toni Zengovski Macedonia   379,000
5 8 Remi Picart France   211,000
6 1 Daniela Parotti Italy   220,000
6 2 Philipp Wenzelburger Germany PokerStars player 1,389,000
6 3 Mathew Hopkins UK PokerStars Qualifier 1,120,000
6 4 Patrick Gervois France   249,000
6 5 Olivier Armougon France   856,000
6 6 Kidhir Megrous France   556,000
6 7 Atanas Kavrakov Bulgaria   158,000
6 8 Noris Barcimanto USA   254,000
7 1 Florian Pral France PokerStars Qualifier 136,000
7 2 Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 917,000
7 3 Olivier Decamps France   940,000
7 4 Romans Voitovs Latvia PokerStars qualifier 751,000
7 6 Benoit Veres France   600,000
7 7 Vincent Antoine Cavailles France PokerStars Qualifier 187,000
7 8 Thierry Morel France PokerStars Qualifier 1,005,300
8 1 Keith Johnson UK   319,000
8 2 Laurent Badin France   259,000
8 3 Thomas Popov Canada PokerStars player 781,000
8 4 Laurent Olive France   298,000
8 5 Julian Fernandez France   705,000
8 6 Christos Stefanidis Greece   330,000
8 7 Mirco Maisano France   578,000
8 8 Ivan Arbatskii Russia   897,000

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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at FPS Monaco: Martin Harris and Nick Wright. Photos by Jules Pochy. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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